Monday 25 January 2016

Welcome to my Denison, Staats, etc. family history blog!

Greetings to those interested in family genealogy and general history, particularly in relation to Denisons, Staats, McKibbens, Leonards, Jones, etc.  The places I'm interested in include Delaware, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ireland, Wales and the Netherlands.

I'm brand new to the blogging world but  was inspired by an article by genealogist Jake Fletcher about the subject, posted on the January 22, 2016 Legacy news page.  Legacy is the genealogy software programme to which I recently switched my GEDCOM files.

 Although I enjoy writing and connecting with people using social media, I really never wanted to blog, content to read other folks' musings.  However, as Jake Fletcher says in his informative piece, blogging can be a useful and enjoyable tool for family history researchers.  I can see how sharing one's genealogical journey, to help break down 'brick walls,' link up with undiscovered kin, and exchange methods and advice, can be both valuable and inspiring while entrenched in this lifelong labour of love.

So, here I go, and I look forward to feedback from you, fellow Denison denizens and other cousins in my family tree, and beyond!


  1. Yay, well done Kate, looking forward to reading x

  2. Yay, well done Kate, looking forward to reading x
